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Héctor del Castillo Gordillo

Ph.D. in Mathematics, Université Paris-Saclay and Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

Héctor del Castillo Gordillo

Ph.D. in Mathematics, Université Paris-Saclay and Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

Héctor del Castillo Gordillo Blog Notes
I am FONDECYT 2022 postdoctoral fellow at the Universidad de Santiago de Chile.

I have completed my Ph.D. under the supervision of Luis Lomelí and Guy Henniart (Chile-France Cotutelle). My main research focus is the Langlands program. My Ph. D. thesis establishes a special case of Langlands functionality conjecture for globally generic automorphic representations in positive characteristic.

Apart from my research interests, I also enjoy learning different aspects of algebraic geometry.

Finally, my interests outside of mathematics are cooking, coffee & tea, health and philosophy.


Higher Hida theory for Drinfeld modular curves. Barrera and Rosso. Work in progress.

Generic Langlands conjectures for general spin groups in positive characteristic. Kim and Lomelí. Work in progress.

On generic representations of quasi-split reductive groups over local fields of positive characteristic. Henniart and Lomelí. Available soon (2024).

Langlands functoriality conjecture for SO*(2n) in positive characteristic. Preprint (2022).

Thesis (2021).

Research activities

Seminario de Algebra, Teoría de números, y áreas afines (SANTAS). Organized with Daniel Barrera, Federico Castillo and Gonzalo Manzano (PUC, U. de Chile and USACH).

Arithmetic and p-adic geometry in Chile (December 2024). Organized with Daniel Barrera, Ricardo Brasca, Adrian Iovita, Rafael Labarca, Jaclyn Lang, Ricardo Menares and Giovanni Rosso.

Jornada de Aritmética y Geometría en Valparaíso (2023 October) Organized with Luis Lomelí.

Seminario Automorfo (2023 October-2024 January) Organized with Daniel Barrera and Sebastián Herrero.

Representaciones y Teoría de números: PUCV-USACh (2023 June) Organized with Luis Lomelí.

Grupo de estudio (2023 March-April). Organized with Luis Lomelí and Javier Navarro.

Jornada Automorfa (2023 January). Organized with Daniel Barrera.

A short introduction to the GGP conjectures (2023 January),by Xenia Dimitrakopoulou. Organized with Daniel Barrera.

Seminario Funtorialidad de Langlands y variación p-ádica (2022 March- 2023 January). Organized with Daniel Barrera and Luis Santiago Palacios.

An introduction to Proof Assistants (2022 November) by Riccardo Brasca. Organized with Daniel Barrera.

Recorded Talks

Funtorialidad de Langlands y deformación p-ádica (2022, ten talks ,~2 hours, Castellano).

I Encuentro de Estudiantes de Doctorado Chile-Francia de la Universidad de Chile (11/2021, ~15 Minutes, Castellano, Público General).

Generic Langlands Functoriality Conjecture for SO*(2n) in positive characteristic (11/2021, ~1 hour, English).

Representaciones automorfas y Variedades de Shimura (10/2021, seven sessions,~1.5 hours, Castellano).

Mathematical Congress of the Americas 2021. Poster presentation at the special session “Galois representations and automorphic forms” (6/2021, ~17 minutes, English).

Seminario Latinoamericano de Teoría de Números (LATeN) (10/2020, ~1 hour, Castellano).

V-Coloquio Valparaíso (7/2020, ~20 minutes, Castellano).


Short CV.

Grothendieck en Español.

France Culture.